Partial Splenectomy

Because the spleen has important immunological function in childhood, in this period of life surgeons aim to preserve at least part of the spleen if this technically possible. For this reason for example in case of injury, the spleen is only removed partially in kids.

Total Splenectomy

A complete removal of the spleen is more frequently seen in adults because the gradual loss of ist immunological function. The procedure can be performed by minimally invasive technique. The duration of hospital stay is usually 5-7 days. 2- 4 weeks potopertaively a vaccination against encapsulated bacteria should be done (so called “pneumococci shot”).

Possible complications

Possible complications can be bleeding and infection. Due to the tight proximity of the spleen to the pancreatic tail the surgeon must take spezial care not to injure the latter to avoid pancreatic tail fistula and/or abscesses.