Scoliosis is the lateral curvature of the spine. The sidewards curve often occurs in the thoracic spine or the lumbar spine. The treatment includes conservative measures such as physiotherapy, gymnastics or wearing a corset. Surgical treatment is an option if the curvature is severe and causes severe problems.

When observed from behind, a healthy spine runs in a straight vertical line. If it curves to the left or right, this is called scoliosis.

Scoliosis often develops during the growth period in childhood and adolescence. Girls are affected more frequently than young boys. No one knows why people develop scoliosis in the growth period.  The other common form is scoliosis in an advanced age, which occurs as a result of wear and tear on the spine.

Back pain and muscle tensions, as well as knee pain or neck pain due to the lopsided position are typical symptoms of scoliosis. A discrepancy in the pelvis or unevenly high shoulders are outward signs of scoliosis. The curvature of the spin is particularly evident from behind when bending the upper body forwards.

The exact extent of the sidewards curvature is measured and specified in degrees with an x-ray image.

The treatment of scoliosis depends on how severe it is and on the age of the patient. In mild cases, targeted strengthening of the back muscles is often already sufficient. In severe cases during adolescence, a support corset must sometimes be worn.  The main goal of the treatment is to slow the progression of the lateral curvature. Surgery is undertaken if the symptoms are very widespread or if the progressive curvature of the spine cannot be slowed sufficiently with conservative treatment. Surgical treatment involves straightening and stabilising the affected part of the spine with plates and screws.

Centres 10

Spine with scoliosis