cfc Hirslanden, interdisciplinary center for facial reconstructive surgery, orbital surgery and neurosurgery.
Dr. Rohner, Prof. Hammer


Excessive, defective or malpositioned bone in the maxillofacial region may lead to a deformity that causes an esthetical and or functional compromise. These deformities tend to develop with growth and usually stabilize at the end of the adolescent period. Orthognathic surgery comprises a series of technical procedures aimed at the correction of the volume and position of the facial bones.

Since the mandible and maxilla (lower and upper jaws, respectively) are tooth-bearing segments, a combined orthodontic-surgical treatment is required in order to attain an optimal occlusion.

Typical dentofacial deformities that are corrected with orthognathic surgery include:

  • Mandibular excess or deficiency
  • Maxillary excess or deficiency
  • Chin excess, deficiency or asymmetry
  • Cheekbone deficiency
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Nasal excess, deficiency or deviation
  • Various types of dental malocclusion

With more than 30 years of experience Prof. Hammer and Dr. Rohner are able to virtually plan the surgical outcome and efficiently transfer this objective to the operation room by means of CAD/CAM fabricated splints.