We hope that every mother-to-be is able to have a wonderful natural birth. However, that is not always possible. Many factors play a part in the decision to either have a natural birth or a caesarean. Your attending gynaecologist and our midwives will advise and support you through this process. It is important to us that you feel like you are in good hands, receiving the best possible advice, and are safe and secure before, during and after the birth.

Caesarean rate

The caesarean rate in Klinik Hirslanden is between 50–60% However, it is important to differentiate between unplanned and planned caesareans when looking at the caesarean rate:

Unplanned (secondary) caesareans

During unplanned (secondary) caesareans, a vaginal birth is planned; however, a caesarean must be carried out for medical reasons due to the way that the birth is progressing. The rate of secondary caesareans in Klinik Hirslanden is around 20%. This figure is consistent with the percentages in other hospitals.

Planned (primary) caesarean section

The pregnant woman and her birth helpers already decide on a planned (primary) caesarean section before the birth. This decision may be made for both medical and personal reasons.

High average age
One of the reasons for the high caesarean rate for planned caesareans is the average age of the women giving birth at Klinik Hirslanden. A high average age results in more caesareans as pregnancies in women older than 35 years of age are referred to as risk pregnancies.

Switzerland: 32.2 years

Klinik Hirslanden:

  • Private: 34.6 years
  • Semi-private: 34.8 years
  • General: 32.6 years

Average age of women giving birth, source: BFS (2020) / Klinik Hirslanden (2021)

Advantages/disadvantages of a caesarean

We recommend that you obtain in-depth information on the advantages and disadvantages as well as the possible risks of a caesarean. You can find the requisite information at the following links in German:

Get some advice from your attending gynaecologist or our midwives.