Thanks to its modern equipment benefiting from the latest technological advances, the Clinic can offer you personalized check-ups to detect certain pathologies in the absence of obvious symptoms.

We will be happy to help you arrange a medical check-up tailored to your needs. We offer a check-up corresponding to the most recent European and American recommendations based on recent scientific evidence (World and European Congress of Cardiology in Paris; US Preventive Taskforce force).

This Check up is carried out by an academic team with the highest level of skills in this field. After the examinations, each patient will benefit from a personalized synthesis of the results.

Our doctors will offer you a tailor-made medical program that may include:

  • A radiological examination
  • A detailed laboratory examination (urine and blood) 
  • A cardiology examination
  • An ophthalmological assessment
  • An ENT assessment
  • Therapeutic proposals with detailed follow-up plan

Depending on the extent of the investigations, hospitalization in junior suite (about 3 days).

Additional specialist examinations can be arranged in collaboration with the doctor.

Company check-ups can be arranged upon request.


Check-ups (area of prevention - preventive examinations) are generally not covered by insurance. On the other hand, the Hirslanden International Geneva department does not apply Tarmed/International pricing for healthcare services.

We invite you to contact your insurance to find out which exams would be reimbursed.



Laurence Witzig
Clinique des Grangettes
Chemin des Grangettes 7
1224 Chêne-Bougeries