
This is an examination carried out using special equipment that connects an endoscope to a miniature ultrasound probe, called an echoendoscope. This equipment makes it possible to analyse the extent of damage to the wall of the intestine as well as the structures or organs located around the digestive organs, such as lymph nodes, pancreas, liver, kidneys, etc. Biopsies of lesions in the chest or abdomen can be taken with a fine needle under ultrasound guidance if necessary.

Duration of the examination: 15-30 minutes.


Endoscopic ultrasound is a method of exploration and medical imaging in gastroenterology which combines ultrasound and endoscopy to examine the digestive tract.

An upper endoscopic ultrasound (the endoscope is inserted into the mouth, the ultrasound probe is located at the end) enables an “in-depth” examination of the wall of the oesophagus, stomach or duodenum. It also makes it possible to look for the presence of stones, cysts or tumours in the bile ducts and/or the pancreas.

A lower endoscopic ultrasound (insertion of the endoscope into the anus) mainly studies damage to or around the rectum and enables the adjacent lymph nodes to be observed.

This endoscopic technique also enables biopsies of the digestive tract to be taken (the tissue samples are analysed following the examination). Other peridigestive organs, such as adenopathy, pancreas, prostate, etc., can also be accessed for biopsy.

Preparation before the examination

Upper endoscopic ultrasound: From midnight, do not consume any solid food so that the upper part of the digestive tract does not contain any food residues during the examination. You have to have fasted for at least 6 hours for this examination.

Lower endoscopic ultrasound: In most cases, an enema is administered to clean the rectum. Instructions will be given to administer the enema at home 1-2 hours before the examination. The enema can also be administered at the hospital 1 hour before the examination if the patient prefers.