
Aim: diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux 

Insertion of a probe through the nostrils and down the oesophagus

A box connected to the probe records information for 24 hours - this means you need to keep this box with you for 24 hours 


Impedance testing is a method of detecting the presence of reflux (acid or non-acid). The reflux comes from the stomach and this investigation makes it possible to ascertain whether you are suffering from gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). GORD causes symptoms that can vary widely, mainly burns and acid reflux.

Impedance testing is the test of choice to diagnose gastro-oesophageal reflux. It is performed with the help of a probe inserted via the nose and kept in place for 24 hours. The information recorded is sent to a box that you need to keep with you continuously for 24 hours.

It also makes it possible to assess patients who do not respond to antacid medication and investigate the origin of a chronic cough and some types of atypical thoracic pain.

Preparation before the examination

Your doctor will prescribe you with medications that you need to take on the morning of the test.