You are delighted to be pregnant. You have discussed it at length with your partner and are imagining just how your future life will be. You are at the beginning of an extraordinary experience. Enjoy this exciting time and do not let your feelings of joy be spoiled by anything. Experience each and every day as another small miracle.

It is absolutely normal to feel worn-out or exhausted from time to time. Sometimes you lose your normal rhythm, cannot sleep properly, have no appetite or don’t feel fit. Doubt is also a part of pregnancy: although all appears to be proceeding normally, is everything really alright?

Nothing is as personal, as unique as a birth. For this reason too, it is important to openly discuss with your doctor in regular consultations anything that you may have on your mind.

Advice by telephone

You do not wish to leave any question unanswered? Or you just want to obtain some advice on a small matter? Our Maternity Wards are happy to provide you with any information you may require - just give us a call.

For general advice and information concerning Hirslanden, please do not hesitate to contact our Hirslanden Healthline T 0848 333 999.