All sportspeople, whether they want to complete a marathon or be an Olympic champion, whether they are an amateur or compete internationally, can benefit from physical training appropriate to their abilities and the sport in which they take part. All sports require specific physical abilities.

By drawing on current knowledge of sports science and using a personalised evaluation, the physical trainer will create of training programme suited to your abilities, the demands of your sport and your objectives.

Example of a physical training programme

Based on 2 sessions per week for 3 months: 

Initial assessment interview (45 minutes)

  • Discussion
  • Tests (analysis)

The following sessions (60 minutes per session)

  • Coaching sessions
  • 2 assessments: in the middle and at the end of the programme (30')

An appraisal in the form of a report will be given to you at the end of your programme. It will include the initial analysis, the results of the tests and your performance progress.