Congratulations! Your wife is pregnant. Of course, this also means you will soon be a father! So make sure you take good care of your partner during pregnancy. Unsure where to start? This section provides information about this along with some useful tips.


How you can support your pregnant wife?

There are many ways you can support your pregnant wife. Here are seven useful tips:

  • Make sure the refrigerator is always well-stocked, because your wife will sometimes have a big appetite. Eating a healthy diet while your wife is pregnant will make it easier for her to do the same.
  • Be proactive by taking care of the shopping, complete household chores, or cooking. There is a whole range of daily tasks you can take care of for your pregnant partner.
  • Pamper your wife from time to time by massaging her belly or feet or prepare a relaxing bath for her.
  • Learn everything you can about pregnancy and childbirth. We recommend accompanying your partner to doctor’s and midwife appointments, because this is where the planning for childbirth takes place. A woman will feel more at ease when the man shows an interest and is actively involved. We have put together a list of medical terms to help you make sure everything is clear.
  • Even before the birth, start bonding with your baby by talking to them. This is because your unborn child can already hear voices from inside the womb and even come to identify them with time.
  • Join your wife for an antenatal course for couples or surprise her by attending a course just for fathers. About the courses
  • Even before the delivery, you should already start thinking about whether you want to be present during the birth and discuss your thoughts with your partner. 

We recommend asking your partner where she needs support. Or offer her specific types of help. And don’t forget to encourage her during difficult phases, to give her a well-needed boost and remind her that you will always be by her side. Also be empathetic and show your partner that you appreciate her. Simply be there for her. She will thank you for it.

Sex during pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy – a medical perspective

If you are an expectant father and are unsure whether sex is okay during pregnancy, you can relax. From a medical point of view, it is fine as long as the woman feels at ease. Caution should, of course, be exercised if the woman experiences pain or any other discomfort. Also remember that pregnancy stimulates blood flow to the genital area, making it more sensitive, which is why many pregnant women actually have an increased desire for sex. Not having to worry about contraception is also likely to add an extra kick – for both parties. Add to this that a woman’s breasts increase in size as her belly grows, which many men find very attractive. This stretches the skin and can make it more sensitive, so men should be more careful with their touching.

If there is an increased risk of premature labour, the gynaecologist will unfortunately have to impose a “ban” on sex. This is because sperm have what is known as prostaglandins (PG), which can trigger premature contractions. Another reason why sex may need to be avoided during pregnancy is a prematurely dilated cervix or bleeding.

And no, the baby will not feel anything while you are having sex. They may be a bit more active afterwards, not because something has happened to them, but because the woman may be slightly out of breath and her heart rate has increased. This makes the baby active as well.

Insurance for your baby

What you can do before childbirth: take out an insurance policy for your baby

Parents normally have up to three months after the child is born to insure them. The insurance policy can be drawn up retroactively up to the date of birth. Supplementary insurance policies are different: they must already be taken out before the pregnancy, because they can take up to a year to go into effect, depending on the policy. Children can be included in the supplementary insurance coverage before they are born, without requiring a health exam, even if there are complications with the birth.