More and more women are finding themselves confronted with an unfulfilled desire to have children. In addition to age, there are other factors that can lead to fertility disorders. A range of treatment methods often have a positive effect on the likelihood of having a child.

In recent years, undesired childlessness has been on the rise. On the one hand, it can be attributed to new lifestyles: many couples put off their plans to have children until later. The likelihood of easily becoming pregnant drops considerably after the age of 35.

In addition to limited ovarian reserves or less permeable fallopian tubes, there are other organic factors in the uterine cavity that can reduce the likelihood of pregnancy.

Endometriosis, or PCOS, as well as myomas can result in infertility.


  • Myomas are benign tumours in the uterus.
  • Approximately 30 to 50% of all women of childbearing age are affected.
  • In many cases, there are multiple myomas. 
  • In extreme cases, they can become the size of a football.
  • Myomas are easily found by carrying out a gynaecological exam.
  • Permanent treatment for myomas usually requires surgical removal.



  • Polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, is one of the most common hormonal disorders in women of reproductive age.
  • Around one in seven women is affected by the disorder.
  • The hormonal disorder leads to an increased concentration of androgens (male hormones) causing the formation of numerous tiny cysts.
  • There is basically nothing that can be done about a predisposition for PCOS, but the symptoms and effects are very treatable.



  • Endometriosis occurs when the uterine lining grows outside of the uterus, inside the abdomen.
  • The mucosal cells adhere to the peritoneum and grow.
  • The typical symptoms are chronic abdominal pain, acute pain during menstruation, during sexual intercourse and during bowel movements.
  • After documenting a detailed medical history, an ultrasound or laparoscopy is normally performed.
  • Endometriosis can be treated surgically or with medication and, in turn, improve the chances of becoming pregnant.



General methods of examination

  • By means of a hormone test and an ultrasound examination, your doctor will ascertain whether or not ovulation is regularly occurring (hormonal and/or functional disorders of the ovaries).
  • The extent of possible damages or alterations to the Fallopian tube is examined via screening tests (hysterosalpingo contrast sonography, contrast ultrasound method).
  • In the case where fertility disorders have more serious causes, the female reproductive organs can be examined by means of an abdominal endoscopy (laparoscopy) and a uterine endoscopy (hysteroscopy). These procedures are referred to as “microinvasive” surgery.

Methods of treatment

  • Hormonal stimulation: The hormone treatment for the woman involves her taking medication (by means of tablets or injections) to develop egg cells and initiate ovulation.
  • In vitro fertilisation (IVF): With this form of treatment, fertilisation takes place outside of the womb: egg and sperm cell are brought together in a test tube and returned to the womb using a thin catheter after fertilisation (embryo transfer).
  • Freezing of fertilised egg cells (cryoconservation): The remaining egg cells can be frozen and stored for up to 5 years.