Sports medicine treats and guides the patient

The role of the sports doctor is to treat a patient's problem, which is often of a musculoskeletal order and can be either chronic or acute, as a result of trauma or otherwise (overuse) and may be related to the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments or tendons.

In addition, other problems associated with the activities or sports in which the patient participates may be treated, such as, for example, neurological, cardiological, respiratory or gastrointestinal problems.

Where required, sports medicine will therefore refer patients to other specialists according to their needs and specific circumstances.

To sum up, depending on your needs and specific case, you may need a sports doctor for:

  • Treatment of injuries or wear and tear to the musculoskeletal system
  • Prevention of conditions related to and/or caused by participation in sports or physical activity
  • Analysis and diagnosis of performance, overall physical condition and osteoarticular function, with the aim of improving and adapting training or physical activity
  • Personalised advice and diagnoses on how to maintain and/or improve everyday health (physical exercise programme, nutrition, etc.)