You may already know that Hirslanden Clinique La Colline has recently strengthened its partnership with the GSHC Eagles.

The ice hockey players are closely watched over by the medical team at La Colline. This means that we offer sports training to develop the players’ abilities, but that is not all. We also offer treatment in the event of injuries or illness. We take into account each player's individual needs in order to offer them personalised, tailor-made services that meet their needs at all times.

We share more than just a name on a jersey: we also share the same values of team spirit, trust, respect and performance. Given all this, it seemed a foregone conclusion that this sporting partnership should be included in our publicity campaign for the hospital's emergency department. Clinique La Colline has an emergency department that receives more than 10,000 patients every year. With highly qualified doctors, a modern structure and short waiting times, the emergency department at Clinique La Colline offers the best possible care.

The players place their trust in us and you can too ! By your side. Whatever happens.

Keep your eyes peeled! You might well spot one of our posters showing half a hockey player, half a doctor on the back of a bus or on your screen. Maybe you will recognise which eagle it is...

Publicité Clinique La Colline Genève-Servette Hockey Club