Clinical pharmacology and toxicology is a medical specialty dedicated to the rational and safe use of all kinds of medicines on humans. Medical specialists in this field are also trained to diagnose patients with acute or chronic poisoning and to prescribe and supervise the application of appropriate treatments.

Other doctors call on pharmacologists to provide advice and medical care in relation to drug therapies, particularly for complex cases or patients who have to take several medications at the same time.

Pharmacologists are also responsible for researching how medicines work and the effects of poisons on the body, recording the undesired side effects caused by medicines and assisting commissions and supervisory bodies.

Clinical pharmacologists and toxicologists play a key role in the healthcare system. This area of medicine is becoming ever more complex, so it is crucial that practitioners have an understanding of the various different effects drugs can have on individuals and how these effects can be influenced by genetics. They must also have in-depth knowledge about how medicines interact with one another, as well as the use of medicines for polymorbid patients.